By Chris Muhizi Minembwe Capital News Thursday 1st June/ 2023.
According to L’Avenir, Patrick Muyaya, a government spokesman and minister of communication and media, spoke with audiences during the “Interview on France 24” segment about current events, including Salomon Kalonda’s repressive arrest, the opposition’s sit-in, the election, and the conflict in the eastern DRC.
Patrick Muyaya’s conversation with the French media is discussed in the Kinshasa newspapers that were released on Thursday.
The government spokesperson noted that “the opposition wants dialogue and shifts,” according to Forum des As. He feels that in order to guarantee the integrity of the voting process, we cannot compromise with the constitutional deadline.
According to the publication, Mr. Muyaya detailed the opposition’s approach, which included first smearing the election and then persecuting and criticizing Kinshasa’s authority.
The national president of Nouvel Elan suggests that opponents should look for credibility in the argument, the proposal, and the accurate diagnosis rather than wasting time burning tires and being gassed to gain support from the public.
The tabloid claims that Adolphe Muzito’s accusations essentially corroborate the statements made by government spokesman Patrick Muyaya.
According to The Tropic Storm, the National Assembly’s Politics, Administration, and Legal Commission (PAJ) has been sent the draft law regarding the distribution of seats by electoral constituency for the legislative, provincial, urban, municipal, and local elections for a thorough review.
For the purpose of allowing the review of this draft law to resume on Monday, June 5, the Bureau gave the PAJ committee 48 hours, from this Thursday, June 1, through Saturday, June 3, to complete its work and submit the report to it, according to the newspaper.
According to La Prospérité, the Minister of Communication and Media strongly advises opponents, in all their diversity, to pay attention to the CENI train as it moves toward the summit in December. According to the daily, it is actually impossible for him to come up with additional justifications for skipping the polls in order to push the nation back into a dead end and possibly share the cake.