More than 116 cows owned by the locals of Katuunda, Osso Banyungu sector, Masisi territory (North Kivu), were taken by militiamen on Thursday, July 13.
Cattle rustling in the Democratic Republic Of Congo has kept it’s rampant mechanism especially from the east side of the country.
For today Local sources claim that these assailants carried out this attack in the early afternoon while they were patrolling toward Nyamaboko I in the Bahunde Chiefdom in the Katoyi district.
The same accounts claim that these cows were taken from their shepherds as payback.
According to the same sources, the residents of these communities are accused by the APCLS militiamen of working along with the militias.
Particularly noteworthy are two factions of the Kifuafua militia, one of which is led by two self-declared generals named Maachano and the other by Sendugu Museveni of PARECO.
The stealing of these cows in this region, where many armed groups are the law, is currently difficult to confirm or reject, according to Lwambo Mufuni, head of the Territorial Council of Youth.